Téléphone Ski Chalet Andorra: +376397711

Our COVID-19 Prevention Measures

OUR COVID-19 SAFETY PREVENTION MEASURES Following local regulations and much more Our measures at Ski Chalet Andorra are in accordance with current legal requirements and in compliance with the regulations relating to the cleaning of rental apartments in Andorra. We have also developed our own in-depth set of measures to ensure the health and safety […]

Il neige fort à Soldeu après un mois de février ensoleillé

It’s snowing hard in Andorra at last after a very sunny and warm February The snow arrived a couple of days ago putting down about 20 cm yesterday to complement the overnight fall on Sunday evening.  Over the weekend Grau Roig and Pas De la Casa saw some light snow fall – the precursor to […]

Passez votre Noël au ski Chalet Andorra

Grandvalira chose Ski Chalet Andorra for its corporate Christmas Video. The Alpine Residence at Ski Chalet Andorra was home to a video crew for two days for the video which is published this weekend. Grandvalira uses the video as a moving Christmas Card to send to all of its associates, contacts and friends. Enjoy ! […]

Grandvalira opens a week early

Andorra’s largest ski area Grandvalira, Including our Soldeu opened a week early this year Andorra’s largest ski area Grandvalira, which includes our little town of Soldeu, opened a week early this weekend.  It follows Arcalis which got going last weekend heralding the start of the ski season. A number of pistes in Pas de La […]


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